The 3rd International Workshop on OMNeT++ was held on March 19, 2010 in Torremolinos, in conjunction with SimuTools 2010 as usual. The workshop was a great success: We had about 10 published papers and more than 30 participants in the room. The workshop programme, including presentation slides, can be read on the workshop web site

Five papers have been published as regular papers with an oral presentation. Thanks to the presentation slots of 35 minutes, a fruitful discussion was started after each presentation, as the authors had the possibility to present a detailed insight of their paper. The other five papers have been published as posters also including a short presentation slot of 15 minutes. We also had the possibility to discuss community related topics. Alfonso Ariza Quintana raised the idea of modularizing the INET Framework in his presentation. Andras Varga presented about the new signals feature of OMNeT++ and about extending the IDE with wizards. The participants attested to the very high quality of presentations. Thanks to the strong TPC, we have had four reviews per paper and a rebuttal period, which helped to select high quality papers for the workshop. Our general impressions was that this community is advancing and growing very fast.