Using the IDE

This is a 15-minute tutorial that walks through the basic steps of creating and running a simulation, visualizing its execution history on a sequence chart, and analyzing the simulation results to show the basic functions of the OMNEST Simulation IDE.

Google Earth Demo

This is a demo for visualizing an OMNEST network simulation using Google Earth. The demo simulates a wireless mobile ad-hoc network. The model contains a number of mobile nodes (cars) that move about randomly over a 2km-by-2km area. The nodes have identical radios, with a transmission range of about 500m; for simplicity, we assume that the area covered by each radio is a perfect circle. When two nodes move within range of each other, they can communicate with each other, forming a (usually disconnected) ad-hoc network. The visualization shows the mobile nodes themselves (a 3D car model), their recent trails, their transmission ranges, and the current connectivity of the network (cars that are closer than 500m are connected with a white line).

Visualizing the Simulation on Sequence Charts

One of the unrivaled features of OMNEST is being able to record the simulation history and visualize it on a sequence chart. The sequence chart can be dragged, filtered, viewed in different timeline modes (linear, compressed, etc.), saved in SVG format, and so on. This can be an invaluable help in tracking down protocol errors and in showing off and documenting model operation. The linked video is one of the many sequence chart videos made available.