OMNEST includes a process modeling library for queueing and resource reservation models. The library allows you to build your initial performance model quickly, and experiment with it to get an initial idea about your system's performance. This performance model can then serve as a starting point for the development of more detailed, more accurate, more specialized simulation models.

All library blocks expose statistics in the form of simulation signals, which can be recorded as time series data (timestamp - value pairs) or as summaries (mean, sum, maximum value, histogram, etc.) Statistics collection can be controlled on a fine-grained level.

The library contains blocks (modules) like the following:

Component Description



A Source block generates jobs for the queueing network. Generation can be one-off or periodic, where the generation interval is parametric. A Source block can be used to model constant-rate arrivals, Poisson arrivals, or arrivals with an inter-arrival time of some other distribution.

Sink represents places where jobs leave the system, and also collects statistics.


A Delay block delays the job for an interval, which can be constant or given with a probability distribution. Delay can be thought of as a queue with an infinite number of servers.


A Queue block represents a queue with a built-in server. The queue discipline can be FIFO or LIFO, and the queue can be infinite or bounded. The service time can be constant, or random according to a user-specified probability distribution.



PassiveQueue and Server represent a detached queue and queue server. They support one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many configurations: one server may serve more than one queues, and one queue may be served by more than one servers. Several conflict resolution disciplines are available for both queues and servers, random, round-robin and priority-based among others.




The Fork and Join blocks can be used to model splitting a job into sub-jobs. For each incoming job, Fork creates N sub-jobs that are sent out on different outputs. These sub-jobs may be processed individually (in Queue blocks, etc.), and should end up in the same Join block. After all sub-jobs have arrived in the Join block, it sends out the original job and discards the sub-jobs. The JobList block presents a view of all jobs and sub-jobs in the system. Fork-Join blocks may be nested, i.e. a sub-job may be split further by subsequent Fork blocks.



A ResourceBasedQueue is a queue with a built-in server that needs to acquire an external resource from a ResourcePool for processing a job. When the server is done with the processing, it returns the resource to the ResourcePool. A ResourcePool holds a configurable amount of resources, and the amount of resources a queue server needs for processing a job is also configurable. ResourcePool implements priority-based conflict resolution.



Allocate and Deallocate can be used to acquire resources for a series of processing steps. Allocate acquires a given amount of resources from a ResourcePool for each job, and Deallocate returns them into the ResourcePool. Jobs that arrive at an Allocate block when there aren't sufficent resources available in the ResourcePool are queued.



Router and Classifier can be used to route or classify jobs, based either on some algorithm (random, round-robin, etc.) or an attribute of the job (priority, type, etc.)


Additional library blocks perform further tasks, like the Clone block that duplicates every incoming job to each of its outputs.

Naturally, not all models can be expressed with the above set of blocks, i.e. the library is not Turing-complete. Turing-completeness comes from the fact that all blocks are implemented in C++ with the source available for inspection and modification, so you can build in the extra functionality you need using C++. Moreover, the customized model will run with the same efficiency as the original library blocks, because there are no interpreted code blocks that would slow down the simulation.