OMNeT++ 6.1 (September 2024)

This update marks a significant refinement of OMNeT++ since version 6.0, impacting virtually every aspect of the simulation framework, including the IDE and simulation library. Among the various enhancements, the Analysis Tool stands out with major improvements to both its user interface and its underlying chart templates and Python library. For example, the new, highly customizable number and quantity formatting options facilitate the interpretation of raw simulation results displayed in the user interface; chart legends became much more customizable; and the enhanced plotting of enum-valued vectors allows much more appropriate visualization.

Additional notable updates include the ability to denote ini file sections as "abstract" (meaning they merely serve as base for further configurations); the validation of parameter values according to the @enum property; a new bookmarking feature and other enhancements in the Qtenv log window; a more streamlined operation of Project Features in the IDE; the possibility to have simulation programs dump the stack trace in the case of crashes; a new Python library for reading and querying NED files; and much more. Below is a detailed summary of these key enhancements and other important changes in this release.

Important: Please read the installation instructions even if you are familiar with OMNeT++, as there are new dependencies and the recommended way of installing Python packages has also changed. There is a new script in the root of the source distribution that will help you install OMNeT++ on your machine.

Simulation kernel:

  • SimTime: Added multiple new constructors that accept a value and a unit, with one constructor implemented for each numeric type. Previously, there was only such constructor, for int64_t, which was a potential source of usage errors since C++ implicitly converts fractional types such as double into int64_t without issuing a warning about potential data loss.

  • Module parameters: Implemented @enum checking for string parameters. If the parameter is annotated with @enum in the NED file, assigning an unlisted value to it now triggers a runtime error.

  • Module parameters: It is now possible to assign XML data, produced using the xml() and xmldoc() functions, to NED object parameters. Implementing this feature necessitated some further changes, such as cXMLElement being made a subclass from cOwnedObject instead of cObject.

  • Module parameters: cPar has been updated to remember the exact file and line location in ini or NED files from which it was assigned. This facilitates troubleshooting issues associated with parameter assignments.

  • Introduced the componentId() NED function, which returns the ID of the current module or channel in context.

  • The cEnum class was enhanced to support C++11 features, including enum classes and enum base types. These changes may require minor adjustments in simulation models.

  • Added Register_Enum_WithVar() and Register_Enum_Custom() macros. Register_Enum2() was declared obsolete.

  • Result recorders: Enhanced to expand the enumname result attribute (which indicates that values are from a specified registered C++ enum) to the enum attribute that lists enum names alongside their corresponding numeric values. This update allows more appropriate visualization in the Analysis and Sequence Chart Tools in the IDE.

    For example, with the C++ code enum LinkState {UP, DOWN, FAULTY}; registered as Register_Enum(LinkState, (UP, DOWN, FAULTY)) and used in NED with @statistic[linkState](record=vector; enumname=LinkState);, the output vector file now also contains the attr enum "UP=0, DOWN=1, FAULTY=2" line in addition to attr enumname LinkState.

  • Ini files: Sections that only serve as a base for other configurations can now be marked as "abstract" by adding abstract=true to them. Abstract sections are not offered for running by Qtenv and the Simulation IDE.

  • Statistics recording: Disabled result recorders, as well as result filters whose outputs are unused or not recorded, are now removed before the simulation is run. This may result in significant performance and memory usage improvement.

  • Output Vector Recording: Empty vectors are now included in the output vector file. Previously, output vectors were only recorded into the .vec file when the first data item was written. As a result, vectors that were registered but never written to did not appear in the .vec file. This behavior caused uncertainty during simulation result analysis, as users could not distinguish between events (e.g., packet drops) that never occurred during the simulation and those that were simply not measured or recorded. Now, empty vectors are also written to the .vec file, eliminating this uncertainty and providing more complete information. This also fixes the issue that no .vec file was written by a simulation that only created empty vectors but never wrote data into them. The old behavior can be requested with the vector-record-empty=false configuration option, in case it is ever needed. Implementing this change necessitated some adjustments to the cOutVector, cEnvir and cFingerprintCalculator classes. Details can be found in the API-changes.txt and ChangeLog files.

  • Fingerprint: Resolved discrepancies in fingerprints caused by the IEEE not-a-number (NaN) having multiple representations, which led to inconsistencies across various CPU architectures and math library implementations.

  • Fingerprint: Resolved the issue that simulation results computed but not eventually recorded into the result files were inaccurately included in the "statistics" ingredient of the fingerprint.

  • Deprecated the getAncestorPar() method of cComponent because it violates the encapsulation principle, making its usage generally inadvisable.

  • Display strings: Improved the parsing of embedded expressions (${...}).

  • Added support for pretty-printed stack traces on crashes, which can be enabled by setting WITH_BACKTRACE=yes in configure.user. This feature is enabled by default to aid in more effective troubleshooting. By default, only function names and addresses are printed; to get enhanced stack frames with line numbers and source snippets on Linux, you must install libdw-dev, libdw-devel, or elfutils, depending on your package manager; see the Install Guide for specific instructions.

  • Added two new configuration options: print-instantiated-ned-types prints the names of all instantiated NED types at the end of the simulation, facilitating the creation of coverage tests for model libraries; and print-unused-parameters lists all NED parameters that have not been accessed during the simulation, pointing to possible deficiencies in the model.

  • Several smaller changes and improvements.


  • Allow inline properties in pattern assignments.
  • The excluded-packages list to use the same separator char as NED. path. Practically, it now also accepts : on non-Windows systems.
  • Fix "Network not found" errors when INET was in a symlinked directory.
  • Fix errors not being reported when a @display string literal had a badly escaped character (like ",") in it.

MSG files, opp_msgtool:

  • Extended the parser so that enums defined in the msg file now may have properties.
  • Add support for generating C++11 enum classes and specifying the enum's underlying data type, using the @class, @underlyingType properties.
  • Fixed code generation error with targeted cplusplus blocks.


  • Added "Set Bookmark" / "Go to Bookmark", "Go to simulation time" and "Go to event" functionalities to the log viewer, accessible via the context menu and keyboard shortcuts. Also improved the context menu by ensuring that it conveniently lists all available operations.

  • Log window search improvements: Improved the speed of text searches in the log window. Also, the "Find" dialog now displays an error message if the entered regular expression is invalid.

  • The Run Selection dialog now hides configurations not meant for running, as indicated by abstract=true in the ini file.

  • Improved animation in Fast mode: Keep showing builtin animations in Fast mode. Previously, when resuming normal Run mode after running in Fast mode, no animations were visible even when there were messages propagating through the network. With this change, this is no longer the case.

  • Several bug fixes.

Sequence Chart:

  • Refined toolbar contents.
  • Fixed several minor issues.

NED Editor:

  • Implemented "Snap to Grid". Grid size is fixed at 10 pixels.
  • Fix: Do not store coordinates with unnecessary precision into the display string after placing/moving a submodule with the mouse.
  • Fixed accumulation of rounding errors when painting the map grid.
  • Allow suppressing warnings by adding @suppressWarning property on an element.
  • Enhanced resolving the effective type of a submodule during NED analysis.
  • Remove superfluous error messages. If there is already an error message saying "No such module type", there is no point in spelling out the consequences as well.
  • Validate string param assignments to @enum properties. It is an error if the value is not one of the values listed in the parameter's @enum property.
  • Add autocomplete proposals for @enum in the text editor.
  • Converted the "Imported NED type not found" error into a warning. This change addresses scenarios where a compound module, defined in the NED file, conditionally uses a NED type from a currently disabled project feature. Although the unavailability of the NED type does not impact runtime when the simulation is configured correctly, the persistent "Imported NED type not found" error could not previously be eliminated. This change ensures smoother management of such issues.
  • Fixed an issue where rows were displayed at double height in the Module Hierarchy view due to extra newline characters in the displayed text.
  • Fixed an issue where the property sheet in the graphical NED editor disappeared after selecting an item.
  • Handle ${expressions} in display strings better.

NED Documentation Generator:

  • In the documentation comment syntax, backtick quoting is now accepted to denote monospace. This is useful as we transition the documentation markup syntax to Markdown.

  • Added description column to the "Signals and Statistics" table. The description column is filled with the comment of the relevant NED element.

Ini File Editor:

  • Unknown configuration options are now flagged as warnings instead of errors. This change is made because the editor cannot determine whether an unknown option is a typo or a legitimate custom option registered in the model's C++ code that the IDE does not recognize. To eliminate even these warnings, add the custom option to the list of known custom options in Preferences -> OMNeT++ -> Ini File Editor.

  • Added support for "abstract" inifile sections, as denoted by abstract=true. Abstract sections are displayed with an empty (outline-only) folder icon.

  • Update for recently added configuration options, and general bug fixing.

Analysis Tool:

  • Introduced quantity formatting to improve the display of numeric simulation results, whether recorded with or without measurement units. Options include controlling the number of significant digits, rounding, regular/scientific notation, choice of decimal separator, choice of preferred unit (e.g., bits vs bytes, mW vs dBm), and more. This feature allows results to be shown in the most appropriate format. Multiple display formats can be defined and applied in specific contexts using filter expressions.

  • Browse Data page: Enhanced various aspects of data tables including adding syntax highlighting of parameter values on the Parameters tab, a new context menu in the header row for adjusting column alignment and width, new options to hide or dim less important details such as network name and result suffix, and adding the IsWeighted column to pages listing statistics and histograms.

  • In result queries, enhanced the syntax of filter expressions in the chart Input pages to allow comment lines starting with #. This addition enables users to comment out lines from multi-line expressions, improving clarity and manageability.

  • Improve the way the "Plot vectors on separate axes" chart template handles enum-valued vectors. Such vectors are drawn with colored rectangles, with the value name in each. It requires the enum attr to be present on the vector.

  • Since output vectors can now be empty, a new option was added to relevant charts to leave out empty vectors from the plot.

  • Added support for ordering the series in charts, affecting both the chart presentation and the legend.

  • When creating a new analysis from a .sca or .vec file, use relative paths in the .anf file if practical.

  • Introduced the "Compare Chart to Template" functionality, which is particularly useful for porting charts created with earlier versions of OMNeT++ to the current version, ensuring compatibility and ease of update.

  • Miscellaneous smaller enhancements, such as assigning numbered names to new charts, adding customization hints to "Lines," "Bars," "Histograms" dialog pages, updating icons for tree nodes like parameter, field, and attribute, marking temporary charts with asterisks in chart tab labels for clearer identification, and also accepting --> in legend label replacements for improved readability.

  • Various bug fixes, such as the Properties view not updating under some circumstances, the "Sum weights" column displaying an error in the Histograms tab for weighted histograms, etc.

  • A large number of improvements and bug fixes in the Python library underlying the chart scripts, see the list of changes to the omnetpp.scave package below.

Project Features:

  • Introduced classifications for dependencies within project features, differentiating between "required" and "recommended" dependencies to clarify essential and suggested configurations. Previously, all dependencies were treated as "required".

  • Force C++ and NED exclusions of a project to be fully determined by which project features are enabled/disabled. This means, among others, that settings on the NED Source Folders property page are now uneditable in the presence of Project Features.

  • Improved the wording and behavior of the Project Features, Makemake and NED Source Folders project property pages.

  • Reduce the chance of race conditions associated with the IDE updating the features.h file.

IDE General:

  • When creating new launch configurations, the IDE now uses the opp_dbgmi command to launch the debugger. opp_dbgmi is a new (internally used) command that launches the lldbmi2 debugger if present (currently only on macOS) or falls back to use gdb (on Linux and Windows). The bundled lldbmi2 debugger is built from, a fork of Didier Bertrand's lldbmi2 project with numerous enhancements from the OMNeT++ team.

  • Added support for executing a BeanShell script on startup (.metadata/startup.bsh ), which can be used for auto-importing projects and similar tasks.

  • Upgrade to Eclipse 2024-09 (4.33), PyDev 12.2, CDT 11.6.

Python library:

  • Added a requirements.txt file that holds the list of dependencies. They can be installed with the following command: python3 -m pip install -r python/requirements.txt

  • Added omnetpp.ned, an experimental package that allows loading and browsing NED types from Python. The rest of the changes affect the omnetpp.scave package, see below.

Scave Python library (omnetpp.scave package):

  • Refined result query and plotting functions to ensure accuracy based on the measurement units of simulation results. The unit attribute is now consistently included in the returned dataframe, with options to convert quantities to the base unit using the convert_to_base_unit parameter in results.get_[scalars|vectors|statistics|histograms]() (default is True). Additionally, plotting functions now mandate uniform units across results, reporting errors for discrepancies. A utility function, convert_to_base_unit(df), has also been added to for easier conversions.

  • When results.get_[scalars|vectors|statistics|histograms]() is used outside the IDE, e.g. as part of opp_charttool, results are now loaded directly through the C++ scave library instead of via converting to CSV with opp_scavetool. This results in improved reliability and performance gains.

  • In result queries, enhanced the syntax of filter expressions to allow comment lines starting with #. This addition enables users to comment out lines from multi-line expressions, improving clarity and manageability.

  • Since empty output vectors are now also included in the output vector files by default, the omit_empty_vectors option was added to result.get_vectors() so that the user can filter them out when that's desirable.

  • Enhanced plot_vectors_separate() in to plot enums as colored strips.

  • Added add_legend_labels(), sort_rows_by_legend() to

  • Added a createdWith attribute to charts in ANF files. This attribute records the OMNeT++ version used to create the chart, aiming to simplify the process of porting user modifications in chart scripts to newer versions of the chart template.

  • Raise minimum required Matplotlib version to 3.5.3.

  • Many more fixes and improvements. For the full list, see python/ChangeLog.


  • Added support for the "recommended" project features in addition to mandatory dependencies. The -f, --with-dependencies command-line option now includes both mandatory and recommended features; the new -r, --with-required option only refers to required features.
  • More helpful message if user specifies a nonexistent feature on the command line ("Did you mean X?")


  • Result loading now takes place via calling into the native scave library, instead of invoking opp_scavetool. This significantly improves performance.
  • Added a positional argument to select charts either by index or name.
  • Only print the "exporting..." message in verbose mode (-v).
  • Use logging instead of print statements where appropriate. The log level can be controlled with the new -l,--log-level option.
  • Several further refinements.


  • Ported from Perl to Python. Surprisingly, this also brought significant performance improvement.


  • If a Python virtual environment named .venv is present in the OMNeT++ root directory (created by executing python3 -m venv .venv), sourcing the setenv script automatically activates that environment. This allows OMNeT++ to use its own private Python virtual environment, avoiding possible version conflicts with system packages. Python dependencies are defined now formally in the python/requirements.txt file so you can easily install all the dependencies with python3 -m pip install -r python/requirements.txt.


  • Install Guide updated.
  • Users Guide: Result Analysis chapter significantly revised and expanded. Added many more details on how charts operate and how to work with them effectively.
  • Reduced backlog for the Simulation Manual: object parameters, transmission updates, clarified volatile, list of supported NED properties, etc.
  • Fresh style for the OMNeT++ API documentation.
  • More proofreading and refinements.

What's New in OMNEST 6.0.3